2017 | The Year of INTENT

What a year. It’s gone just as quickly as it came. Of all the holidays and all the times of the year, New Years holds a certain special place in my heart. I’ve never been the superstitious type, I think horoscopes are bullshit, and I think our lives are delicate strings pulled by none other than ourselves. And while a part of me wants to extend this philosophy of life to view the New Year as what it is: merely a changing of the calendars, the romanticized side of me sees it as a new beginning. It’s a convenient global event of self-contemplation and forward-thinking. It’s a big deal. And it always gets me sentimental. (Though maybe that’s just because of my traditional viewing of “It’s a Wonderful Life” after midnight.)

So naturally, I’ve been thinking a lot lately. The year has been a packed one for me, and these past couple of months especially. Though I know I say it every year, I’ll say it again: I have a feeling that this year I grew as a person more than I ever have. But there are so many things I’d change about myself. Oh, SO many things.

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How-to | 8 Ways to Learn Something New

I’m a huge believer in not letting others dictate your goals, and instead taking on projects for yourself. The projects I’ve tried, accomplished, or failed have made me into who I am today, and I’m always looking for new ways to go about learning that cool skill or meeting that big goal. Currently, I’m working on learning about several different topics, and I’m tackling them in a variety of ways to keep me interested. (I’ve learned from experience that I NEED to keep things interesting or I’ll end up with dozens of started but unfinished projects.)

Here are all the different ways you can go about exploring topics you want to know more about:

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